Why You NEED an Evidence Procedure for Misophonia Relief

Oct 17, 2024


If you’re working to alleviate the suffering caused by misophonia, there’s one tool that you absolutely need in your toolkit: an evidence procedure. This concept is a game-changer when it comes to tracking progress, staying motivated, and ultimately achieving your goals. But what exactly is an evidence procedure, and how can it transform your journey toward misophonia relief? Let’s dive in.

What is an Evidence Procedure?

An evidence procedure is a pre-defined milestone or marker that you set before you begin working toward a goal. It’s a clear, concrete way to recognize when you’ve made progress. Think of it as a signal that lets you go, “Aha! I said that when this happens, then I’ll know FOR SURE that I’m on the right track.”

For example, if your overarching goal is total misophonia relief, you might decide that being able to sit at the dinner table for 10 minutes without needing to leave is a sign you're getting closer to total relief. Because before beginning the work, you couldn't even sit at the table for 60 seconds.

Why Evidence Procedures Matter in Misophonia Treatment

When we set out to achieve big goals, it’s easy to overlook the small victories along the way. As humans, we often focus on what’s still missing, what hasn’t been accomplished, or how far we still have to go. This tendency can be particularly discouraging when dealing with conditions like misophonia, where progress might be gradual and happen over time.

Without an evidence procedure, it’s easy to feel like you’re not moving forward at all. This can lead to frustration, disappointment, and even the temptation to give up altogether. But with an evidence procedure in place, you can recognize the smaller successes and build momentum.

Real-Life Examples

Some common evidence procedures might be:

  • Eating at the dinner table with only one earplug in, instead of two
  • Feeling discomfort, but not extreme rage/anger at a common trigger
  • Being able to focus on and regulate your breath when triggered, rather than hyperventilating
  • Sitting at the table for 60 seconds before needing to get up, instead of avoiding the table all together


Where Our Attention Goes Is Where Our Energy Goes

Where/what we place our attention and energy on is what we manifest more of in our lives. If you’re constantly focusing on the negative—what isn’t working, what’s still a struggle—you’ll end up creating more of those negative experiences. But if you shift your focus toward the progress you’re making, you let your mind know, "Hey! We like this! We want more of this." You continue moving toward misophonia relief quicker and more effectively.

How to Set an Evidence Procedure for Misophonia Relief

Setting an effective evidence procedure looks like:

  1. Define Your Ultimate Goal: What is the big-picture goal you’re working toward? In this case, it might be complete relief from misophonia symptoms. Or maybe it's being able to eat with your family again. Enjoying a sunny day with the windows open, regardless of the neighbor's dog barking outside.
  2. Identify Smaller Milestones: Think about what smaller victories would look like on the way to that goal. Maybe it’s sitting at the table with one earplug in, instead of two. Or having the window open for 30 seconds before closing it again. Of course, it depends on the goal you're working toward.
  3. Celebrate Your Wins: When you meet your evidence procedure, take time to celebrate. Acknowledge that this is a sign of progress and use it as motivation to keep going. Your mind will get the message and look for ways to keep the party going.

Final Thoughts

Misophonia can be a difficult condition to manage, but having the right tools and mindset can make a world of difference. An evidence procedure is a simple yet effective way to track your progress, maintain motivation, and remind yourself that you're DOING the damn thing!

Want Support In Doing The Work?

An evidence procedure is the first thing I encourage clients to create inside my signature program: Rewire Misophonia At The Source. This gentle, self-paced program walks you through the same steps I used to clear my own misophonia after more than 20 years of suffering. And, it's the same strategies my clients use to experience incredible transformations too.

Lessen your triggers, alleviate your suffering from Misophonia and experience more joy in your life through the self-paced Rewire Misophonia At The Source Program.

Click Here To Learn More