If You’re Struggling To Survive In A World Full Of Trigger Noises


Get Relief From Someone Who Cleared Her Own Misophonia After More Than 20 Years Of Suffering


Without Exposure Therapy Or Relying On Meds

Click Here To Enroll In Rewire Misophonia At The Source

Client Results

...I feel ready to live my life & continue growing

"I have experienced misophonia for over 30 years. In the last 6 years it had become worse and affecting my family life. I have tried so many things but couldn't seem to get close to any relief. Through this program, and I have learnt a new perspective on Misophonia and ways to rewire my brain. This work will be ongoing for me as I wind up the program, but I feel ready to live my life & continue growing and learning."

-Alison, Rewire Misophonia At The Source & 1:1 Client, 62.5% Improvement

If you find yourself

  • shoving your fingers in your ears when you hear a trigger sound
  • relying on earplugs to get through the day
  • locking yourself in the bathroom with the fan on, crying
  • hurting people's feelings when you ask them to stop making noises, or
  • trapped at home because everything in the outside world triggers you...

then chances are you can relate to teenage Brooklyn. I desperately, hopelessly wished every day that my misophonia would just disappear. It’s the thing I hated about myself and dreaded every minute of the day. Asking, pleading, 


“Why can’t I just be normal like everyone else?”

A Message From Brooklyn About The Program


Brooklyn is not a licensed mental health professional. Brooklyn is a coach practitioner certified in NLP, EFT, T.I.M.E. Techniques, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Life & Success Coaching and is training in Rapid Resolution Therapy®️.

Click Here To Enroll In Rewire Misophonia At The Source

I knew that these sounds weren’t actually chasing after me with a sock full of pennies, and yet, it didn’t help me feel less annoyed. I couldn’t reason my way out of it.

I truly believed I would suffer from misophonia for the rest of my life, that when I got certified in the very tools I’d later use to eliminate it…I didn’t even think to apply them to misophonia until years later.

I transformed other areas of my life: my relationships, career, money mindset, perspective on solo travel–the list goes on.

Misophonia was the one thing that clung to me like a moth to a flame. 🕯️

Until the lightbulb moment hit me: it’s not the sounds that are causing me pain. Other people aren't causing me pain. It’s the way my mind is interpreting the noises that's causing me discomfort.

This gave me my power BACK. I started using the tools I was already certified in, like neuro-linguistic programming, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or tapping), clinical hypnotherapy and others to reprogram the way my mind viewed trigger noises.

Seeing some results and wanting more, I started actively training in and applying Rapid Resolution Therapy®️ too and BOOYAH. The results were absolutely unbelievable.

For the first time in my life, I believed living miso-free was possible.


In fact, just a few short months after intentionally using these modalities to get relief from misophonia–I experienced my first weekend completely trigger free.

That's how I know that unconscious reprogramming is the key to living a normal life, misophonia free.


You'll quickly realize that I approach misophonia differently than most and that's why my coaching works.

I've discovered there are three keys you need to unlock the door to misophonia relief...

🔑It starts with Shifting Your Perspective.


Most people suffering from misophonia make the mistake of thinking that the world around them has to change in order to get relief.

But I’m here to tell you that’s a losing game. That’s giving away your power. We can’t control other people and we definitely can’t control the environment around us.

You’ve already tried that, right? And that’s why you’re here.

What you’ve tried already hasn’t worked.

The good news is: you don’t need to change others or the world to get relief.


You have the power to shift the way your mind reacts to trigger sounds, so they no longer cause you to feel anger, fear, disgust, or anything else.


Misophonia is not who you are. It’s something you’ve experienced. This distinction is important because unconscious mind doesn’t like change. Even good change can seem scary because your mind’s job is to keep you alive.

Why do you think most people are scared to jump from an airplane the first time they go skydiving?

If you have food, water and shelter…then mind is like: Wait, we’re alive. Why are we making changes that will threaten this safety?

If misophonia is who you ARE, then your unconscious mind isn’t interested in losing a part of your identity, no matter how badly you want to be free from it.


One easy shift you can make right now?


Instead of saying, “I have misophonia,” shift your language to, “I experience misophonia.”

Client Results

...I've learned to resist anticipating a misophonia reaction

"It's opened me up to new understandings of how I can bring different modalities and approaches to tackling my misophonia and in that sense has really given me a sense of playful, experimental optimism. I'm fascinated to see what can happen as I keep applying the tools you've given me, and also other tools that I already knew but never thought to apply to misophonia. Another really significant concrete shift is that I've learned to resist anticipating a misophonia reaction i.e. clenching up/blocking my ears in expectation. The idea that I can decide which sounds are important in any moment is also very empowering - that I can choose where I put my attention."

-Susannah, Rewire Misophonia At The Source, 33% Improvement

That wedge between identity and experience is exactly the leverage you need to get your unconscious mind on board with making a change.


Because this pattern isn’t operating at the conscious level. You know, logically, that a sound isn’t actually chasing after you with a knife.

If that were the case, then everyone would experience misophonia!

And yet this conscious knowing doesn’t change your reaction to trigger sounds.

We need to get this good news to your UNCONSCIOUS mind, so we can uninstall the pattern of misophonia and install something more useful.


So let’s say you’re like, “Okay, I’m IN! I can do this…but what the heck do I do next?"

🔑The second key is Rewiring Your Mind.


The pattern of misophonia works like this: mind hears sound ➡️ mind labels sound as threat ➡️ mind creates a strong emotion in you to get you to act ➡️ action is taken to eliminate or get away from the threat.

So in other words, you hear a sound, your mind decides “this thing is going to kill us!” you feel anger and leave the room.

Sound familiar?

Well, what if we could show mind that the sounds that have triggered you AREN’T actually life threatening?

Then the pattern becomes ➡️ mind hears sound. 👂

…that’s it.

There’s no need to create any emotion in you because no action needs to be taken.


We can use multi-level communication and unconscious reprogramming to correct this miscommunication between what you know consciously, and the pattern that unconscious mind is running on autopilot.

About Your Coach Practitioner

Click Here To Enroll In Rewire Misophonia At The Source

Imagine I dropped you in rural Japan with no phone, no translation guide, and told you to find your way home (assuming you don’t speak Japanese.)

You’d likely panic or experience extreme difficulty. Maybe you’d never get home.

But what if I dropped you in the middle of rural England (assuming you’re an English speaker) and told you the same thing? Get home. No phone. No GPS.

It might still be challenging if you’re not from England, but a LOT easier than finding your way home in Japan.

Why? Because in England, you can COMMUNICATE with the people around you. You can ask for help.

In Japan, it’s far more difficult.

In clearing the pattern of misophonia, imagine your conscious mind is speaking English and the unconscious mind is speaking Japanese.

No matter how many times you tell yourself, “STOP GETTING SO ANGRY. IT’S JUST A WHISTLE DAMMIT” your unconscious mind isn’t getting the message.

There’s no translation and it just sounds like babbling nonsense.

Unconscious reprogramming is the translation device.

It creates a bridge of understanding so that instead of hearing babbling screams, mind understands the good news: this noise isn’t actually a threat!

We can communicate in a way the unconscious mind understands: through imagery, symbols, colors, metaphors…

It seems silly but it WORKS.

That’s what it takes to finally get relief. Redefine how your mind perceives danger and begin clearing up the trigger sounds that used to cause you pain.

(And no, you don’t have to do them one by one! It starts to generalize, which is pretty cool.)

And when you hear an old trigger sound and for the first time DON’T feel an immediate sense of panic? It’s life-changing.


But what happens if you clear up the pattern, only for it to come back a few weeks later?


Maybe you've even experienced this on your own journey to relief.

🔑That’s why the final key is Cultivating LASTING Relief.

Remember when I said that mind creates emotions to get us to act?

We can do all the reprogramming work we want, but if we continue bottling the emotions of rage, frustration, anxiety, fear…

Well, eventually those emotions bubble to the surface and we find ourselves back to square one.


That’s why it’s so helpful to CLEAR these stuck emotions, so you experience LASTING relief.


I call this “cleaning up the leftovers” or washing away any remains of that old pattern that operated for years and years.

Have you ever treated a houseplant for pests? If you have, you know that treating it once usually isn’t sufficient. It might take a few treatments to finally eradicate the pest. (Spider mites anyone? 😅)

The same is true with the pattern of misophonia. Let’s scrub the mind clean and install the new understanding that sounds are just that: sounds.

So you can finally live a normal life, misophonia free.

Client Results

"I have noticed the the trigger sounds do not bother me as much."

-MH, Rewire Misophonia At The Source, 20% Improvement So Far°

Click Here To Enroll In Rewire Misophonia At The Source

Let’s put all the keys together and unlock the door to relief. 🚪

It starts with Shifting Your Perspective, then Rewiring Your Mind, and finally Cultivating Lasting Relief.

You might now be thinking, “Unconscious reprogramming takes years to study, learn and apply”…and you’re right. 

(I have the mental scars to prove it!)

That’s why I’ve put in the time, money, effort, and mastery–so you don’t have to. 


Inside my signature program Rewire Misophonia At The Source, I’ll walk you through the entire process from start to finish. You’ll get results quicker than if you took the time to do it on your own.

Key 1 🔑 Shifting Your Perspective

Try on a new perspective of misophonia and clear any beliefs or secondary gains that might be keeping you stuck in the suffering spiral. We'll engage in parts work and other techniques to embrace a more useful way of thinking.

Key 2 🔑 Rewiring Your Mind

We'll help your unconscious mind understand that noises aren't actually chasing after you with a knife using painless (and often fun) unconscious reprogramming techniques, like RRT, EFT, NLP and others.

Key 3 🔑 Cultivating Lasting Relief

Emotions are powerful; your mind knows they are useful motivators when it wants you to take action. So we can do all the rewiring work we want...but if we don't learn to better navigate our emotions, they can explode and send us back into the suffering spiral. This module focuses on recentering and understanding how to process emotions that may be bottled up. We'll use EFT and RRT, among other modalities.

Additional Resources

This module is packed with additional resources to support you with growth in other areas of your life, too.

After completing this program, you'll experience:

✅ Fewer trigger sounds

✅ Less suffering from misophonia

✅ More joy in your life

✅ The ability to enjoy time with family, friends and loved ones

Client Results

...laughing uncontrollably every time I heard the trigger sound

“Just this joy came over me…I just started laughing, laughing uncontrollably every time I heard the trigger sound…this is definitely a defining moment.”

-C, Rewire Misophonia At The Source, 20% Improvement So Far°

Click Here To Enroll In Rewire Misophonia At The Source

And if you’re still saying to yourself: I’ve tried everything and nothing works…


One of my clients thought the very same, but after working with me they reported an 80% improvement in their experience with misophonia.


Imagine what an 80% improvement would feel like for you…


What could you experience?

How could you show up?

Who could you be?


I’ve developed a unique coaching framework that gets results. And that means, you haven’t tried everything and relief is possible.


And maybe you’re wondering, “But will this work for ME?” Good question. You’ll only know if you actually do it. I can provide the evidence, testimonials, say all the right words…and you still won’t know unless you actually commit to and show up for the coaching.

When you enroll, you get this opportunity.

Client Results

This is a new more positive response to what I have experienced in my entire life.

"I believe I am able to lean in and look at the situation and realize I am not being triggered when I have been before. I can have a dialogue during the time that I used to be triggered. This is a new more positive response to what I have experienced in my entire life. I do not have the lasting negative effects that [I] used to experience."

-Tressi, Rewire Misophonia At The Source & 1:1 Client, 80% Improvement

Inside you get access to:

✔️4 Modules of Content To Rewire The Pattern Of Misophonia And Experience Relief

✔️3 Recorded Coaching Calls To Integrate The Resources Inside The Modules

✔️3 Workbooks To Go Even Deeper And Personalize The Module Content To You Specifically

✔️Several Coaching Audios To Introduce More Useful Ways Of Thinking, Even When "Logic" Says Otherwise

✔️Several Guided Meditations That Make The Rewiring Process Even Easier

✔️EFT (Tapping) Tutorials To Release Emotions Keeping You Trapped In The Dreaded "Why Me" Thought Spiral

✔️Additional Resources For Continued Support In Other Areas Of Your Life

Imagine finally getting to live a normal life. How good does that sound?

  • Or simply enjoying a meal with family again. 
  • Sitting with the windows open on a warm, sunny day, regardless of the car blaring bass outside or neighbor's yardwork.
  • Feeling at ease around other people, instead of always on edge.
  • Improving your marriage and/or other relationships.
  • Enjoying a movie in the theater, without having to wait until it's available to stream.
  • Sleeping in peace, without relying on a noise machine.
  • Relaxing in your own home.
  • Showing up as your true self, unburdened by constant frustration.
  • Working in an office environment without being drained at the end of the day.
  • Getting a degree or completing school in a traditional classroom.
  • Shopping in stores without the need to run when the panic from a trigger sets in.
  • Feeling calmer and at ease more regularly.
  • Living with a regulated nervous system.


Since clearing my misophonia, I’ve deeply improved my life. I’m the happiest, healthiest version of myself I’ve ever known–and it’s the best thing I’ve manifested.

Click Here To Enroll In Rewire Misophonia At The Source

I’m the coach for you if

👉You know betting on yourself means you never lose

👉You’re willing to show up and do the work

👉You’ll push through discouragement if you don’t see results right away

👉You’ll celebrate results when you get them (even the ‘little’ wins)

I’m not for you if you’re looking to ‘prove me wrong,’ you think nothing will ever work, or you’ll never actually implement the resources.

Here’s the hard truth: if you believe nothing works, then you’re right. That’s the self-fulfilling prophecy keeping you stuck in the suffering spiral. And if you don’t show up, then you’re just wasting your money.

If even a tiny part of you believes that relief is possible…then let’s work together and make that dream a reality.

You can get support from someone who’s never heard of misophonia, hasn’t experienced it themselves, or uses tools that just aren’t effective.

Or, you can get access to the same tools, tricks and guidance that allowed me to celebrate one year miso-free in February 2024, and get access to them for less than $75/session.

You'll get access to the same roadmap I walk my clients through to experience relief for themselves.


All you have to answer now is, are you joining the Rewire Program this round...or delaying relief by signing up “next time?”

Click Here To Enroll In Rewire Misophonia At The Source

If You Know Me...You Know There's Always More

At risk of sounding like an infomercial, you'll also get these three pretty kickass bonuses when joining (no shipping & handling fee required.)

(In fact, they're free when you enroll!)

Belief Is Everywhere Meditation - $47 Value

This is one of my favorite meditations and it isn't available anywhere else.

(Yeah, I keep my promise with this one...and ugh! It's so good!)

Install the belief that change is possible and find the evidence all around you.

Kickstart Your Transformation Journal - $97 Value 


Through the workbook, you'll uncover the beliefs you have around Misophonia and shift your perspective in a way that supports healing moving forward.

Inner Wisdom Meditation - $47 Value

Ever struggle to tune out what everyone else is saying? "Try this" or "Do that."

Analysis paralysis sets in and you don't know what to do next.

This meditation brings you back to center, accessing the wisdom you hold within.

The Investment

It's always my intention to over deliver and under promise.

You don't have to worry about wasting money on something that doesn't work. I'm confident in my coaching and confident in this program.
So much so, that if you don't experience any positive shifts after engaging in the program, I'll refund you.**

Yeah, I really have no interest in keeping your money if you don't get what you paid for. Because that doesn't make any sense. Just let me know within 60 days of purchase if you'd like a refund.

**See all the details at the bottom of this page.

Still here? I bet you're ready to join the program...and that's pretty rad.

(Or you just like reading, which is cool too.)

You can join today for just $222.

And when you do, you'll get:

✔️4 Modules of Content To Rewire The Pattern Of Misophonia And Experience Relief

✔️3 Recorded Coaching Calls To Integrate The Resources Inside The Modules

✔️3 Workbooks To Go Even Deeper And Personalize The Module Content To You Specifically

✔️Several Coaching Audios To Introduce More Useful Ways Of Thinking, Even When "Logic" Says Otherwise

✔️Several Guided Meditations That Make The Rewiring Process Even Easier

✔️EFT (Tapping) Tutorials To Release Emotions Keeping You Trapped In The Dreaded "Why Me" Thought Spiral

✔️Additional Resources For Continued Support In Other Areas Of Your Life

Total Program Value: $2,225!

Investment: One Payment Of $222

After completing this program, you'll experience:

✅ Fewer trigger sounds

✅ Less suffering from misophonia

✅ More joy in your life

✅ Ability to enjoy time with family, friends and loved ones

Click Here to Enroll & Experience Relief!

 Client Results

...already significantly reduced my adverse reactions (rage, anger, anxiety) to trigger sounds. 

"I’ve already significantly reduced my adverse reactions (rage, anger, anxiety) to trigger sounds. I can do more things without needing to constantly have headphones on. I’m able to plan outings and trips without the overwhelming anxiety of having an experience ruined my Misophonia. I’m able to leave the house without checking if I have at least 2 backup pairs of earplugs and headphones (through I do still keep one). I’m only on week 2 of the 8 week program, but I’m feeling so much more confident and hopeful about my future..."

-Sabrina, Rewire Misophonia At The Source, 60% Improvement So Far°

Join As A Student 

Rewire Misophonia At The Source Student

$222 Pay In Full

✔️4 Modules of Content To Rewire The Pattern Of Misophonia And Experience Relief

✔️3 Recorded Coaching Calls To Integrate The Resources Inside The Modules

✔️3 Workbooks To Go Even Deeper And Personalize The Module Content To You Specifically

✔️Several Coaching Audios To Introduce More Useful Ways Of Thinking, Even When "Logic" Says Otherwise

✔️Several Guided Meditations That Make The Rewiring Process Even Easier

✔️EFT (Tapping) Tutorials To Release Emotions Keeping You Trapped In The Dreaded "Why Me" Thought Spiral

✔️Additional Resources For Continued Support In Other Areas Of Your Life

❌Six 1:1 Coaching Calls With Brooklyn For Personalized Support And Accountability

❌3 Months of 1:1 Telegram (Voice & Text) Support With Brooklyn To Keep You Motivated, On Track And Results Driven

❌Custom Healing Resources To Get Results Even Faster

Click Here To Enroll!

Join As A 1:1 Client


Rewire Misophonia At The Source 1:1 Client

$1,697 Pay In Full

✔️4 Modules of Content To Rewire The Pattern Of Misophonia And Experience Relief

✔️3 Recorded Coaching Calls To Integrate The Resources Inside The Modules

✔️3 Workbooks To Go Even Deeper And Personalize The Module Content To You Specifically

✔️Several Coaching Audios To Introduce More Useful Ways Of Thinking, Even When "Logic" Says Otherwise

✔️Several Guided Meditations That Make The Rewiring Process Even Easier

✔️EFT (Tapping) Tutorials To Release Emotions Keeping You Trapped In The Dreaded "Why Me" Thought Spiral

✔️Additional Resources For Continued Support In Other Areas Of Your Life

✅Six 1:1 Coaching Calls With Brooklyn For Personalized Support And Accountability

✅3 Months of 1:1 Telegram (Voice & Text) Support With Brooklyn To Keep You Motivated, On Track And Results Driven

✅Custom Healing Resources To Get Results Even Faster

Click Here To Enroll As A 1:1 Client!

Meet Your Coach Practitioner

If you’ve gotten this far and you don’t know me yet, allow me to introduce myself…

My name is Brooklyn and I am a Misophonia Rewiring Coach certified in neuro-linguistic programming, EFT (tapping), T.I.M.E. techniques, clinical hypnotherapy and life and success coaching. I’ve completed the Understanding & Utilizing Rapid Resolution Therapy® training and am working toward certification. I also have a degree in Communication and studied nonviolent communication.

In other words, I’m very passionate about understanding and working with the unconscious mind. The part of us that doesn’t respond to logic or reason, but instead speaks in metaphors, symbols, stories…

The part of us that is wired for survival. And often the conscious and unconscious minds miscommunicate. Which isn’t surprising, since they’re speaking different languages! My job is creating the bridge for understanding, which then creates a pathway to transformation.

After suffering from misophonia for more than 20 years, it's now my mission to support as many people as possible in lessening the suffering they experience from misophonia.

It’s hardwired into my DNA to help people and coaching enables me to fulfill that purpose.

Photo by Paige Pelkington Photography

Still Not Sure?

You Should Enroll If...

✔️You experience misophonia.

✔️You're open to doing new things.

✔️You're committed to completing the program.

✔️You're committed to fully participating to the best of your abilities.

✔️You feel good about making the investment.

✔️You understand everyone will have different experiences with the program and the material.

✔️You aren't looking for magical, quick results. You're willing to put in the work each module.

You Should Not Enroll If...

✖️You don't experience misophonia.

✖️You believe nothing will ever work.

✖️Have other commitments that may get in the way.

✖️Your skepticism will likely alter the way you participate in the program.

✖️Investing in the program will cause financial stress.

✖️You're creating expectations based on my or anyone else's experiences.

✖️You're likely to give up if you don't see results in week one or two of the program.

Client Results

...helped me more than any misophonia treatment I've previously received 

"For the first time, I have hope, and I feel that life with misophonia can change for the better. Brooklyn's positive attitude has been really helpful. Brooklyn's teachings have helped me more than any misophonia treatment I've previously received, and I'm grateful that I found Brooklyn."

-K, Rewire Misophonia At The Source, 30% Improvement

Click Here To Enroll!


Still have questions? See if I can clear up any confusion in the FAQ section!

Click Here To Enroll & Experience Relief From Misophonia!

*Disclaimer: I understand that this program is not designed to treat or diagnose psychiatric, psychological, or medical concerns or issues. I also understand that the results from this program can vary between individuals. This program is created for self-development purposes only. This program is not a substitute for normal medical care and I have been advised to discuss this program with any doctor who is taking care of me now or in the future. I understand I may seek additional resources outside of the program if needed, and that Brooklyn Disch, the coach, is not a licensed therapist or counselor. They are a coach, coaching for the purposes of self-development only. I understand this program can trigger emotional states and may unearth some trauma, and am responsible for my own well-being and will seek crisis resources if I need them. Having a therapist available to you while going through this program is a great pairing. I recognize that while Brooklyn Disch LLC protects and respects confidentiality, any statements made that indicate the jeopardy of a student’s safety will be reported to appropriate parties. I also understand results and statements may be shared for marketing purposes, but Brooklyn Disch LLC will protect the identity of any person(s) whose statements are used and will not reveal identifying information to the best of their ability. Brooklyn Disch LLC may request to use names or images with statements, but all participants are welcome to decline the request. Program enrollment is recommended for people 18+ years of age. Those under 18 must have permission from a legal guardian to enroll. Brooklyn Disch LLC is not liable for those who enroll under false pretenses, or for minors completing the program. Program is advised for those 18+.

**Conditional guarantee. Terms apply. You must complete the program (watch all module content, listen to/utilize all resources, complete the workbooks, show your work and commit to the process) but if you’ve given it your all and you aren’t seeing any positive results? We’ll refund you. Please let us know within 60 days of your purchase date if you’d like to request a refund. Conditional guarantee applies to pay in full purchases only. All refunds at the discretion of Brooklyn Disch LLC.

°Client has not yet completed the entire program.