$97 Free PDF For Those Struggling To Survive In A World Full Of Noise And Looking For A Solution
Discover The Proven Roadmap For Rewiring Your Brain To Experience Misophonia ReliefĀ
Created By The Practitioner Who Has Helped 600+ People Experience Relief
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have been theĀ only one that has actually helped me so far...
"You have given me so much hope and determination to 'kick' this disorder. I have listened to many, but you seem to really resonate with me. And have been theĀ only one that has actually helped me so far..."

more progress with you than through therapy and meds!
Thank you so much for your guidance and suggestions. I've already made more progress with you than through therapy and meds!

My trigger sounds don't bother me as much...
It's been very helpful!! I noticed a difference already which is amazing! My trigger sounds don't bother me as much anymore."
*Names altered for anonymity